2010년 10월 19일 화요일

My worries

     Ther are many things that worry me , but the most common ones are being on time , getting my homework done , and saving money.
 I worry about being on time because I don’t like to nake other peple wait , and I don’t like to miss anything. I always try to arrive a little early.
I also worry about getting my homework done. After school , I go to my part time job and don’t get home until about eight o’clock. That gives me only one or two hours to do my homework , and I’m usually too tired to do a good job.
 I worry about saving money , too. I’m trying to save enogh money to go to japan with my best friends this winter vacation , but I haven’t saved very much so far.
I go out with my friends too often and spend more than I shoud.
I think , I will have to either stop spending so much money or gorget about my winter vacation plans.

2010년 10월 17일 일요일

Three special places

     Near my apartment , there are three places I like to go to. The first is the jang’s bibimguksu(mix noodles) restraurant.  Noodles food is my favoite kind of food , and the chef there is excellent.  The restraurent isn’t too expensive , so I often go there with my faily. It’s nice place to relax , talk , and enjoy a delicious meal.  The second place is kyobo bookstore. Kyobo is one of the biggest bookstores in my sity , so I can find books on almost any subject there. The people who work there are very friendly . if I can’t find a book , they will gladly order it for me. The third place I like to go to is the park down the street from my apartment. It has huge trees and a beatiful garden.  I sometimes go there after eating a jang’s bibimguksu , and I sit under a bench to read a book from kyobo.

To see things different perspective

A few days ago , I read some therms in a book, that really made me think. The author noted that in terms of time , one hundred years really isn’t all that long. However , he went on to point out that all of the problems that we worry about become utterly meaningless after a period of one hundred years .
This may be an obvious point , but thinking in such terms is actually a nice way to gain some perspective . At the very least , it makes tomorrow’s exam and next week’s soccer game seem significantly less inportant . It is rather easy to get wrapped up in our problems at school or at the home , and to lose sight of the bigger picture . That’s why it’s so important to take a step back every once in a while and to see things from a proper perspective.