2010년 10월 19일 화요일

My worries

     Ther are many things that worry me , but the most common ones are being on time , getting my homework done , and saving money.
 I worry about being on time because I don’t like to nake other peple wait , and I don’t like to miss anything. I always try to arrive a little early.
I also worry about getting my homework done. After school , I go to my part time job and don’t get home until about eight o’clock. That gives me only one or two hours to do my homework , and I’m usually too tired to do a good job.
 I worry about saving money , too. I’m trying to save enogh money to go to japan with my best friends this winter vacation , but I haven’t saved very much so far.
I go out with my friends too often and spend more than I shoud.
I think , I will have to either stop spending so much money or gorget about my winter vacation plans.

댓글 2개:

  1. Hi jee youn. You don't have to worry like that.It just give you a stress. Think easily and don't worry.I hope you can go Japan this winter vacation.

  2. Hello!! Jeeyoun^^ I alse worry about that. I know your feeling.
