2010년 11월 28일 일요일

♡ first snow ♡

this week (11/27~78) i went family trip to gangwondo.
i think our family are so lucky
by the time we arrived gangwon , first snow began to fall.

i'm so happy to saw first snow.

2010년 11월 25일 목요일

internet shopping

I shopping at home with my notebook.
 I bought a duck-down parka on sale at the gap. It is so cute.
I can't to wait wear it!^^

Hanging out with my friend

Recently, I went to my friend’s house. She had another friend come too when I was there , but I know the kid so I did not mind. When I got there , her dad was freaking out and telling my mom that everything would be fine and that we wouldn’t get bored. My friend was just standing there , embarrassed.
When we get inside , we put our stuff down and watch the movie “saw2”. But it was not that great. After that, we went to her friend’s house to play  Nintendo wii game, but her friend wasn’t there. We walked back home and had nothing to do. I remembered that there was as ice cream shop a block away, so we just there and got some ice cream. When we came back, we found out that one of our friends was biking to her house, so we run up there to meet her. We just hung out a while and played Nintendo wii game, and then she had to go home. By then, it was 9:00 p.m. and we still did’t have dinner. her mom was coming home from work at 10:00, so she just picked up some tacos and we ate that. We watshed some more television and played video games in her room until it was really late.
The next day, we woke up late so we didn’t have any breakfast. We went to go to the arcade at the mall, and on the way there, we stopped to get some lunch at a restaurant. I had really fun time there.

2010년 11월 13일 토요일

break up

yesterday he said
"let's not meet again, it's better for you jiyeon sorry"
um..... ok i understand him
because he will go army soon.
honestly i have no sure conviction waiting him for 2 years.
 but i'm so sad

it's over.

2010년 11월 12일 금요일

my favorite food

  My faverite foods are hot food. I like hot food most.  Maybe because I’m korean. According to others countries people, they can’t eat hot pepper.  They can eat only black pepper.  I like hot. When I eat hot food, I am dripping with sweat.  Originally I have much sweat. But red pepper excite me myself.  And hot helps me feel good.  I eat hot food about four times a week.  My mom cook as hot as she can. I like burnt foods, too.  When I grill meat, I always grill it so it becomes burnt.  I like the crunch you get when you eat burnt food.  Unfortunately, my mom doesn’t like the fact I like burnt food.  She always says “jiyeon! Burnt foods are not healthy, they can cause cancer!” I agree with her.  I am not obsessed withhot food, I just like the food to be hot.  I don’t like greasy food, but l like to go to family restaurant.
When I go to these restaurants, I usually order hot food. Some restaurants don’t have hot food, so I am obliged to order something else.  I eat only a little of it.
My family likes greasy foods, so they are always full.  I can’t stop them, so l let them eat whatever they want.
I like junk food too.  I like chewing on something, so I like ice-cream, chocolate, candy and gum.  L have strange eating habits.  I want to recomment hot foods for english teacher as they give you a new sensation.

2010년 11월 9일 화요일


I bump into old elementary school friend  at the 충무로subway platform!!
Though it was the first time in 8years, we recognized each other right away.
Since we didn't have much time to talk, we decided to go out for drinks this friday.
I can't wait to hear what she's been doing.

2010년 11월 7일 일요일


Today I saw a very nice pair of pants at  store. I tried them on, but they were too tight .
I was a little disappointed that I've gaind weight . maybe  I shoud go on a diet !!

2010년 11월 4일 목요일

Espresso coffee

Today I went coffee shop , which is located in near my auniversity , with my friend. Atually , I don’t enjoy dringking coffee.  But , we just killed our time due to waiting some people.  So , we went to coffee shop.  As I don’t know about coffee , I just said to clerk “nomal coffee”.  But , after I saw good looking clerk , I pretend to person who know about the knowdge of coffee.  So, I ordered very expensive coffee, espresso coffe, in the menu.  As the clerk listend to my order , he was surprised my order.  I thought that he must surprised by my order.  So I waited for my coffee.  As I heard my name , I went to front desk to find my coffee.  I noted at I see a small coffee cup.  First of all , I tasted espresso.  It was extremely bitter.  I’ve never tasted that kind of coffee.  Espresso coffee is kind of the most bitter coffee because the coffee of meteral use original amount. After I tasted that , I know why the clerk was surprisd at me.  Today , my lesson is that don’t pretend to do if I don’t have any information about something. Finally , I waste my money and taste.

i got on the internet

i was just going to check a couple of things, but i ended up sitting at the computer for 5 hours.
it was a waste of  time!ㅠㅠ