2010년 12월 11일 토요일


my brother is a big eater. but no matter how much he eat,
he never gains weight  ㅡ ㅡ .

he's lucky!

2010년 12월 8일 수요일

slumdog millonaire

Slumdog millionaire – ★★★★★★★★★★
The best movie ,ever I saw ! ,
The story begins near the end of the journey and time-jumps from vignette to vignette, as jamal, an uneducated but quick 18- year-old from the ghettos of Mumbai, defies all odd by climbing the momentary ladder toward a 20 million rupee fortune on the Indian version of “who wants to be a millionaire.” The host and the cops think he has to be cheating, but when jamal is subjected to a brutal interrogation by the authorities, he explains exactly how and why he just might legitimately know the answers. Directed by danny boyle and featuring performances from a cast of actors unknown to American audiences, “slumdog millionaire” plunge us soul-deep into a world of unimaginable poverty and breathtaking beauty. Many of the early scenes are tough to watch, as young jamal, his tougher older brother and other children suffer great losses and are the victims of horrific cruelty. I’ve had friends text me during the first hour of the film saying, “why did you send me to this movie?” an hour later, they’re texting to say, “thank you for sending me to this movie.” In addition to patel, the standouts include anil kapoor as the slimy host of “millionaire,” and freida pinto as the girl jamal has loved since they were children. This is the first film for the former model and TV personality, and it is a stunning debut. She just might be the most beautiful woman is movies today.

2010년 12월 5일 일요일


today is december 5th ,
 even i hate  winter's cold weather,i like december  so much.
 because my birthday is december 20th  and also christmas is december.
i like december's atmospher of christmas.
chrismas carol  palying on the street and street decorate the glitter christmas tree.
it's so beatiful ㅎㅎㅎ

2010년 12월 2일 목요일


Few days ago, I’ve learnd islam’s culthur in sungshin grobal’s class. That is very interest contents. So i started wondering “what are lslam and muslims”. there are a lot of islamic countries and muslims in the world. When i looked back on the images of islam, all the negative images as violence, restlessness and uncivilized customs came upon me.  Atually i am an atheist but i keep reading about christianity, buddhism and dther religions, because i believe that religion itself is good to have when we live a life. I don’t want to have any prejudice toward religion, and try to regard everything as equally important.
So i chose a book to understand lslam ,and title is ,<lslam civilization>, written by jung-suil. I came to learn that we san’t say lslam without “alla,mahomet, and koran”.
They have their unique Got “alla”, but they respect other Gots too. “Mahomet” is a messenger to the believer, and their scripture is the koran. The muslims prey 5 times a day, and before sermon they have their body cleaned. They focus on “brotherhood” and polygamy is their family system. Christianity’s the ethical view is that human nature is evil, but lslam regards it as fundamentally good. Therefore, the more we try to practice virtue, the more we can be saved. As i reading this book, i could deeply concentrate on lslam. Even is very attractive to me in that ethical doctrine of innate goodness. I admit that i barely knew lslam, but the point is that we have to open our mind and try to understand dther religions.

2010년 11월 28일 일요일

♡ first snow ♡

this week (11/27~78) i went family trip to gangwondo.
i think our family are so lucky
by the time we arrived gangwon , first snow began to fall.

i'm so happy to saw first snow.

2010년 11월 25일 목요일

internet shopping

I shopping at home with my notebook.
 I bought a duck-down parka on sale at the gap. It is so cute.
I can't to wait wear it!^^

Hanging out with my friend

Recently, I went to my friend’s house. She had another friend come too when I was there , but I know the kid so I did not mind. When I got there , her dad was freaking out and telling my mom that everything would be fine and that we wouldn’t get bored. My friend was just standing there , embarrassed.
When we get inside , we put our stuff down and watch the movie “saw2”. But it was not that great. After that, we went to her friend’s house to play  Nintendo wii game, but her friend wasn’t there. We walked back home and had nothing to do. I remembered that there was as ice cream shop a block away, so we just there and got some ice cream. When we came back, we found out that one of our friends was biking to her house, so we run up there to meet her. We just hung out a while and played Nintendo wii game, and then she had to go home. By then, it was 9:00 p.m. and we still did’t have dinner. her mom was coming home from work at 10:00, so she just picked up some tacos and we ate that. We watshed some more television and played video games in her room until it was really late.
The next day, we woke up late so we didn’t have any breakfast. We went to go to the arcade at the mall, and on the way there, we stopped to get some lunch at a restaurant. I had really fun time there.

2010년 11월 13일 토요일

break up

yesterday he said
"let's not meet again, it's better for you jiyeon sorry"
um..... ok i understand him
because he will go army soon.
honestly i have no sure conviction waiting him for 2 years.
 but i'm so sad

it's over.

2010년 11월 12일 금요일

my favorite food

  My faverite foods are hot food. I like hot food most.  Maybe because I’m korean. According to others countries people, they can’t eat hot pepper.  They can eat only black pepper.  I like hot. When I eat hot food, I am dripping with sweat.  Originally I have much sweat. But red pepper excite me myself.  And hot helps me feel good.  I eat hot food about four times a week.  My mom cook as hot as she can. I like burnt foods, too.  When I grill meat, I always grill it so it becomes burnt.  I like the crunch you get when you eat burnt food.  Unfortunately, my mom doesn’t like the fact I like burnt food.  She always says “jiyeon! Burnt foods are not healthy, they can cause cancer!” I agree with her.  I am not obsessed withhot food, I just like the food to be hot.  I don’t like greasy food, but l like to go to family restaurant.
When I go to these restaurants, I usually order hot food. Some restaurants don’t have hot food, so I am obliged to order something else.  I eat only a little of it.
My family likes greasy foods, so they are always full.  I can’t stop them, so l let them eat whatever they want.
I like junk food too.  I like chewing on something, so I like ice-cream, chocolate, candy and gum.  L have strange eating habits.  I want to recomment hot foods for english teacher as they give you a new sensation.

2010년 11월 9일 화요일


I bump into old elementary school friend  at the 충무로subway platform!!
Though it was the first time in 8years, we recognized each other right away.
Since we didn't have much time to talk, we decided to go out for drinks this friday.
I can't wait to hear what she's been doing.

2010년 11월 7일 일요일


Today I saw a very nice pair of pants at  store. I tried them on, but they were too tight .
I was a little disappointed that I've gaind weight . maybe  I shoud go on a diet !!

2010년 11월 4일 목요일

Espresso coffee

Today I went coffee shop , which is located in near my auniversity , with my friend. Atually , I don’t enjoy dringking coffee.  But , we just killed our time due to waiting some people.  So , we went to coffee shop.  As I don’t know about coffee , I just said to clerk “nomal coffee”.  But , after I saw good looking clerk , I pretend to person who know about the knowdge of coffee.  So, I ordered very expensive coffee, espresso coffe, in the menu.  As the clerk listend to my order , he was surprised my order.  I thought that he must surprised by my order.  So I waited for my coffee.  As I heard my name , I went to front desk to find my coffee.  I noted at I see a small coffee cup.  First of all , I tasted espresso.  It was extremely bitter.  I’ve never tasted that kind of coffee.  Espresso coffee is kind of the most bitter coffee because the coffee of meteral use original amount. After I tasted that , I know why the clerk was surprisd at me.  Today , my lesson is that don’t pretend to do if I don’t have any information about something. Finally , I waste my money and taste.

i got on the internet

i was just going to check a couple of things, but i ended up sitting at the computer for 5 hours.
it was a waste of  time!ㅠㅠ

2010년 10월 19일 화요일

My worries

     Ther are many things that worry me , but the most common ones are being on time , getting my homework done , and saving money.
 I worry about being on time because I don’t like to nake other peple wait , and I don’t like to miss anything. I always try to arrive a little early.
I also worry about getting my homework done. After school , I go to my part time job and don’t get home until about eight o’clock. That gives me only one or two hours to do my homework , and I’m usually too tired to do a good job.
 I worry about saving money , too. I’m trying to save enogh money to go to japan with my best friends this winter vacation , but I haven’t saved very much so far.
I go out with my friends too often and spend more than I shoud.
I think , I will have to either stop spending so much money or gorget about my winter vacation plans.

2010년 10월 17일 일요일

Three special places

     Near my apartment , there are three places I like to go to. The first is the jang’s bibimguksu(mix noodles) restraurant.  Noodles food is my favoite kind of food , and the chef there is excellent.  The restraurent isn’t too expensive , so I often go there with my faily. It’s nice place to relax , talk , and enjoy a delicious meal.  The second place is kyobo bookstore. Kyobo is one of the biggest bookstores in my sity , so I can find books on almost any subject there. The people who work there are very friendly . if I can’t find a book , they will gladly order it for me. The third place I like to go to is the park down the street from my apartment. It has huge trees and a beatiful garden.  I sometimes go there after eating a jang’s bibimguksu , and I sit under a bench to read a book from kyobo.

To see things different perspective

A few days ago , I read some therms in a book, that really made me think. The author noted that in terms of time , one hundred years really isn’t all that long. However , he went on to point out that all of the problems that we worry about become utterly meaningless after a period of one hundred years .
This may be an obvious point , but thinking in such terms is actually a nice way to gain some perspective . At the very least , it makes tomorrow’s exam and next week’s soccer game seem significantly less inportant . It is rather easy to get wrapped up in our problems at school or at the home , and to lose sight of the bigger picture . That’s why it’s so important to take a step back every once in a while and to see things from a proper perspective.

2010년 9월 28일 화요일

First horseback riding

Horesback riding is my major electives on saturday. before I choose the lesson , horeseback riding looks very enteresting for me.  So I choose this subject. the First lesson , I learned history about horse , scientific classification of horse , horse gender definitions . and the Second lesson , learned horse anatomy , horse behaviour , horse colours and markings.  Last saturday is the tired lesson.  And finally I learnd practical things about horseback riding !
I tried horesback riding for the first time last Saturday.   
 First , the major professor taught us everything about horses again ,  like what they like eat , how they to be treated , how to let them start walking and how to stop them , how to turn them , and so on .  then , we had close body contact by grooming them .  after that , we climbed on the horses and practiced walking them.  My horse was such a good boy , and I had so much fun.  It is so expected the next lesson

One of the Best Trilogies of All Time

August 20, I attended a special screening for Toy Story 3 with my boyfriend. we went in with high expectations. because he and I loved so much the first two Toy Stories movies. Toy Story is a beloved franchise that almost everyone, that I know loves the first two films. Now how about the 3rd film?
Well all I could say is that it lived up to my unbelievably high expectations and then some. This is such a good film.
This is plot -The toys are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead of the attic right before Andy leaves for college, and it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they weren't abandoned and to return home.
 It has the laughs, magic and best of all the entertainment. The new characters in the movie feel like they were in the previous two films, they were that engaging and really worked well in the movie. The best part of the movie has to be the ending, I almost cried and was moved to just about to tears. I truly believe that this is one of the best Trilogies of all time. It might even rival the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
This movie has all chance to be come the First Animated Film to win Best Picture.
I surely would not be surprised.

2010년 9월 16일 목요일

In the next 8 years?

20101565 Ji Yeon Park S13 journal 1

In the next 8 years?
I couldn’t sleep last night so I turned on TV.  I found a drama <명랑소녀 성공기>  that came out 8 years ago. Fashion, makeup, electronic goods, cars –a lot of things really outdated although they sure looked trendy when I was 12 years old.  It made me realize how things have changed, and at the same time, I wonder how things will change in the next 8 years.